
Researchers have identified more than 100 cannabinoids present in cannabis. These compounds interact with endocannabinoid receptors found in our brains and immune systems.

Cannabinoids are believed to work synergistically with terpenes to illicit a variety of health benefits, a phenomenon called the entourage effect.

Cannabinoid profiling is extremely important for doctors, patients and consumers to determine dosage and select the best treatment. The methods Trichome Analytical employs for analyzing these compounds have been rigorously tested, and our quality control program ensures that you receive accurate, reliable, reproducible data. Trichome Analytical tests for and measures the potency of up to 15 cannabinoids, ensuring quality assurance for producers and end consumers.

We test for CBDVA, CBDV, CBDA, CBGA, CBG, CBD, THCV, THCVA, CBN, Δ9THC, Δ8THC, CBL, CBC, THCA and CBCA. For more information about some of these cannabinoids, including effects and uses, please see below.


Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid

This non-intoxicating compound is the most abundant cannabinoid found in raw cannabis. THCA converts into THC through a process called decarboxylation. On its own, THCA exhibits a variety of health benefits including: anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-tumor, combats insomnia, and is anti-spasmodic.


Cannabidiolic Acid

CBDA is the precursor to CBD and is found in raw, freshly trimmed cannabis – particularly in high CBD strains and hemp. Initially thought to be an inactive compound, studies within the last five years show that CBDA may have multiple health benefits including anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects.


Cannabigerolic Acid

CBGA is considered the mother of all cannabinoids. Through a process called biosynthesis, cannabis plants produce CBGA. As the cannabis plant matures, CBGA will be exposed to three different enzymes, each of which converts the compound into either THCA, CBDA, or CBCA. When harvested cannabis is heated, any remaining CBGA will decarboxylate into CBG. It’s thanks to this unique cannabinoid that all other medicinal benefits in cannabis are possible. In addition, CBGA has shown analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative properties.


Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol 

∆9THC (commonly referred to as “THC”) is by far the most well known cannabinoid. This cannabinoid is the primary psychotropic compound in cannabis and lead researchers to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system. Beyond that, ∆9THC is also highly valued for its medicinal benefits, which include: pain relief, anti-inflammatory, stimulates appetite, reduces nausea, and suppresses muscle spasms.



This cannabinoid has been shown to be extremely valuable in the treatment of seizure disorders. Since CBD is non-intoxicating, it is ideal in treating these types of disorders in children. When used with ∆9THC, it may lower THC induced psychoactivity, while preserving the therapeutic benefits of THC. High CBD:THC ratio strains assist patients in getting the most out of both CBD and THC with less intoxicating effects. Health benefits include: pain relief, anti-inflammatory, anxiety relief, psychosis relief, seizure/convulsion reduction, muscle spasm suppression, anti-bacterial, and many more.



CBC is one of the three cannabinoids CBGA produces along with THC and CBD. It has been found to be extremely effective in reducing anxiety and stress. Research has shown that CBC has an ability to inhibit cancer cell growth and promote bone growth. Other benefits include: pain relief, inflammation reduction, and anti-bacterial properties.



CBG is the only cannabinoid identified that may help stimulate the growth of new brain cells.  Any remaining CBGA that has not converted into THCA, CBDA, or CBCA, will decarboxylate into CBG. Typically, this compound is present in very small amounts. It is more prevalent in hemp or prematurely harvest cannabis, with some plants containing over 90% CBG of the total cannabinoid profile. This cannabinoid also inhibits growth in tumorous or cancerous cells.



THCV is gaining traction in the cannabis community for displaying appetite suppressant effects. This cannabinoid is the decarboxylated form of THCVA and more common in african sativas. THCVA is formed when an enzyme reacts with CBGVA. Research suggests that THCV has approximately 25% of the psychotropic strength of ∆9THC. This compound holds promise in the treatment of PTSD and panic attacks.



CBDVA, like THCVA, is formed when an enzyme reacts with CBGVA. When CBDVA decarboxylates, CBDV is created. Cannabis plants with relatively high levels of CBDV have been found in feral populations of indicas from northwest India, Pakistan and Mexico. Although there is limited research on this minor cannabinoid, some studies have shown it’s anti-convulsive and nausea relieving properties.



CBN forms when THC is exposed to oxygen and heat. Cannabis that is old or has been stored in a heated area often contains high levels of CBN. This cannabinoid is known for having little to no intoxicating properties and extreme sedative effects. CBN is used to treat insomnia and offers pain relief.


Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol

This cannabinoid is among the most common found in dried cannabis, but typically in fractions of a percent. Similar to ∆9THC, ∆8THC is psychotropic (about 70% the psychotropic potency of ∆9THC) and holds strong anti-nausea benefits. Rodent studies show that this cannabinoid boosts the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which may hold promise in treating Alzheimer’s disease and other memory and cognitive problems.

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